{Theoretical, Computational} Biophysics Researcher
 冨樫 祐一  研究者@{理論,計算}生物物理

Research Interests

Small Number and Minority Issues in Biological Systems

In biochemical systems, there are lots of chemical species, but the total amount per cell is not large; i.e., some chemicals are rare. An extreme case is genome DNA; there are only 1 to a few copies in a cell. We investigate effects of finite-size fluctuations or discreteness in numbers of molecules for such rare species.

After the projects "Spying Minority in Biological Phenomena" (2011-2016) and "Singularity Biology" (2018-2023), we are still in collaboration also with experimentalists. For further information, please see the project web-sites.

Dynamical Properties of Molecular Machines

Biological cells utilize a variety of molecular machines (enzymes, motors, pumps and channels, etc.) for their activities. In these molecules, the function is often coupled with their motion (conformational changes). We study their dynamical properties by molecular dynamics simulations, using either or combination of all-atom and coarse-grained modeling, to understand their operation principles.

Modeling of Molecular Machinery in the Cell

We are currently modeling systems consisting of molecular machines, as an expansion of reaction diffusion systems, taking into account features of the intracellular environment, e.g.:
- Excluded volume effects and congestion of molecules,
- Complex/complicated membrane structures,
- Active transport, which itself is driven by molecular machines.

Particularly, we are interested in the relationship between the structure and function of the chromatin strucure (DNA-protein complex) in the cell nucleus, and also codon recognition mechanisms in ribosomes.

Application of Biological Mechanisms to Artificial Systems

We believe that the very nature of living systems is information processing, or "computation". In future, once we have described operation and design principles of a certain biological system in a theoretical or algorithmic way, it is highly expected that we can create an artificial device performing the same or similar function but made from different materials. Such a system may transcend the limitations of natural biomolecules.


Information about these publications is also available through

Acknowledgments: These research works were in part supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (11CE2006, 15-11161, 20740243, 23115007, 16K05518, 16H01408, 18KK0388, 18H04720, 19H05424, 21K03487), Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology (Yuragi Project), and Platform for Dynamic Approaches to Living System from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, and Research Fellowships from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (15-11161, research abroad H17).
以上の研究は、文部科学省 科研費(特別推進研究(COE)・特別研究員奨励費・若手研究(B)・新学術領域研究・基盤研究(C)・国際共同研究強化(A))・科学技術振興調整費(先端融合領域イノベーション創出拠点の形成)・研究開発施設共用等促進費補助金(生命動態システム科学推進拠点事業)、並びに、日本学術振興会 特別研究員・海外特別研究員制度の支援を受けて行われました。

Ph.D., Professor, Associate Dean
(冨樫 祐一, 立命館大学 生命科学部 生命情報学科 教授・副学部長(入試・高大連携担当))
Department of Bioinformatics, College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan
Tel. +81-77-561-4898 / Fax +81-50-3737-2462
y i _ l a b (  a t  ) t o g a s h i . t v

Senior Visiting Scientist, Laboratory for Comprehensive Bioimaging, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR)